Remember to tune in on Thursdays, at 4:00 PM to KCAA 1050 AM so you can join us for Smart Health Talk. Each broadcast will provide information to help listeners improve their lifestyle and potential health through informed decisions. By understanding the choices, your odds of finding the best fit for your health program increases. Tune in and let us help you tailor a smarter, cost effective health program for you and your family.
Money Saving Health Information
We will be posting information on upcoming Smart Health Talk broadcasts before they air on this page so check back for new show topics.
Call In With Questions or Advice
If you want to call in to the show, the call in phone # is: (888) 909-1050. Can't wait to hear from you! Share advice with other listeners.
Health Questions Answered
When our listeners let us know what questions are most important to them, we can plan future shows to bring you the answers. We want to hear from listeners with stories that contain valuable lessons that can help others. If you have a story, share it with us. Submit a question or share a valuable lesson learned.
Have an Idea for a Show Topic?
Have you learned a valuable health lesson that could benefit other listeners? We would love to hear about it. Just go to our "Suggest a Topic" page and fill out the form. Let us know if you would be available as a call in guest to share your experience. Submit a suggestion.