Dr. Alex Morton, biologist, tested and documented positive PRV and ISA virus infestations in farmed and wild salmon. The viruses have now spread to wild BC Canadian salmon. Dr. Morton just filed a lawsuit against Canadian Federal government and multi billion dollar Norway based Marine Harvest Hatchery for doing nothing about the spread of viruses and massive wild salmon loss. Federal response has been to block testing by passing laws that make it illegal to report positive tests.
Campbell’s video shows a pinkish-red cloud being emitted by a pipe outlet from the plants. Campbell had the effluent tested and found evidence of Piscine Reovirus (PRV) which causes the disease HSMI.
HSMI damages the heart and skeletal muscles of salmon. The samples he collected were sent to the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown, P.E.I. The testing was done by Prof. Fred Kibenge.
Campbell said the point of his video is not to demonize Brown’s Bay Packing or Lions Gate Fisheries. They are not doing anything illegal. The focus is on Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and their “inability to manage and regulate or protect wild fish,” Campbell said. B.C. Environment Minister George Heyman is also aware of the video.
“We’re going to ensure, as we review the permit and put conditions on the permit if necessary, that any discharge into the water is safe from contamination,” he said. Go to full article click here:
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