Besides reducing your risk of dying from the #1 killer heart disease, your body gets all kinds of other benefits from dropping the extra weight. Our bodies were not designed to carry all kinds of fat and be able to work at a level that "preserves health." Instead it makes it harder to do everything including pump the heart. Most eat the wrong foods and are sedentary. Not challenging and giving your body any kind of workout causes muscles to shrink, and the ratio of fat to muscle to change dramatically.
Burden put on body to carry extra weight is HUGE. Everything is harder to do, and cannot preserve life as efficiently. Fat forms around internal organs, especially heart, and slows digestion giving food a chance to go rancid and form poisons that can end up being taken all over the body. Bones cannot deal with the stress and become malformed.
If you wonder why it takes time to "get in shape" and why the pounds are not dropping off faster, here's your answer. Muscle tissue is very dense like a rock and takes up less space than fat. One pound of it uses up many more calories than a pound of fat. That is why those with more muscle burn more calories when at rest and not exercising. Bottom line you will be able to eat more without gaining weight. Fat is like styrofoam, is less dense than a rock/muscle and takes up more room. Explains why your clothes get looser when you exercise and gain muscle, but the scale does not change. Takes week/months to build this complex tissue, but once you are there takes much less work to keep it than trying to build it. So in other words you will have to work out much less to keep muscle that to build it. So once in shape, do everything you can to stay there because it will be so much easier than if the muscle is lost.
When you change your fat to muscle ratio so muscle is a lot higher than fat after exercising, there is a lot of other things happening in your favor that is going to reduce your risk of death, and help you to be sexier too. One example of what will happen that you will not see is that your body will start to make more growth hormone. It is the sexy hormone and will change how you feel and look. That hormone also helps bones to stay stronger, muscles to get bigger and many other things associated with life extension. Blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar will all improve. Recovery times will be shorter so you can go longer and harder. Not such a bad thing if you want to go out and live your life to the fullest!
Keep track and find out how many calories and nutrients you are getting each day with "Lose It" a free app and internet tracking program. Can purchase book that goes with program. |
Smart Health Talk Guest Kevin Sorbo
Look at foods in bottom rows. Most all have a lot of calories for small amount of food (total grams). Organic fruits fresh and dried, vegetables (lowest calories), nuts, legumes (beans, lentils), grassfed meats, wild salmon, sustainable fish low in mercury, nitrate free meats, eggs, and dairy will deliver much more nutrition bang for your calories and bucks. Go for nuts instead of the other refined carb choices toward the bottom of this list. Nuts and dried fruit have concentrated nutrition so twice the nutrition for the calories even though eating less grams of food. Remember any oil or fat is a 100 calories a Tablespoon. Why fried foods have so many calories. May oils from fast food restaurants are GMO and easily turn rancid so oil can be cancer causing. Breading is full of refined carbohydrates that soak up oil to add calories. Choose only good fats such as olive, grapeseed, coconut, nut and seed oils like walnut, sesame, macadamia, and peanut. Nuts are also full of fiber, nutrition, and good fats so feel satisfied faster and longer. All keep you full longer, and if you don't eat refined carbs, sugars, or heavily fried foods you can eat more nuts!
Some calories deliver a NEGATIVE RETURN because contain chemicals, pesticides, & GMOs. Our body gets more toxins than nutrients so body put in state of emergency not nourishing, repair, building, and regenerating mode.