Listen to the interview with Elle Cochran and Kate Webb and find out what it is like to take on corporate giant Monsanto in a fight to bring people the information they are asking for on their product labels. Is this a GMO food, something citizens feel they have the right to know.
Listen to the Kate Webb and Elle Cochran InterviewPlay now or download and listen later.If you can't view the play button above, just click "Download File" below or right click/control click(Mac) and save to play later on Media Player/iTunes or add/snyc to your phone.
Large Hawaiian land owner sells rights to Monsanto to use the land to conduct research on fields located close to schools.
New Pesticides are More Concentrated and More Toxic?
Find out why the results of this new two year study is so significant. It has prompted Russian to suspend all GMO imports and production and are planning to do a world televised GMO research project starting at the beginning of 2013 to find out if they get the same results as this French study. All Monsanto studies were only done for three months with very small sample sizes. Worldwide cultivation and consumption based only on Monsanto studies.
Click to view larger graphic below.
How safe are pesticides?