Pruitt Helps Corporations Dodge Toxic Clean & Now Wants to Help?
This is an easy one to figure out. Pruitt is still working for the big polluters.
Pruitt's goal is to make American Taxpayers pay for their messes so no one comes after the corporations that created them to pay for it. Pruitt can "make then go away without any money from the corporations or court cases against them to pay for they did.
They also know the longer they sit there, they more people get sick and then those people will sue the corporations.
There is a formula that big corporate uses over and over because it works! They make huge profits because not paying for the toxic cleanup for all of the waste created during making the product and should be deducted as an expense to make it.
Instead of dealing with the toxic waste they use their big profits to influence policy and stall for as long as they can so NOT liable while they are making the product, and then even after they have walked away from all of the pollution they created. They would rather illegally dump it than pay for legal toxic waste disposal.
They wait until they have the right politician to take care of their dirty policy work and then MAKE TAXPAYERS FOOT THE BILL for the "Toxic Waste Dump" and all of the healthcare and disability it is also responsible for after people and workers are exposed for years and live close to the waste dump or dink water from the contamination.
This is formula for how corporations legally steal from taxpayers!
Duke Energy pumped toxic coal ash directly from their toxic waste containment pond into the river below. You could hear the pump running day after day. They got a slap on the hand and had to pay a small fraction of a fine for what it would have cost to pay for legal toxic waste disposal. This is the problem with the system!
Check back because we will be adding more examples of how corporations are legally stealing from United States Taxpayers!
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Pruitt's goal is to make American Taxpayers pay for their messes so no one comes after the corporations that created them to pay for it. Pruitt can "make then go away without any money from the corporations or court cases against them to pay for they did.
They also know the longer they sit there, they more people get sick and then those people will sue the corporations.
There is a formula that big corporate uses over and over because it works! They make huge profits because not paying for the toxic cleanup for all of the waste created during making the product and should be deducted as an expense to make it.
Instead of dealing with the toxic waste they use their big profits to influence policy and stall for as long as they can so NOT liable while they are making the product, and then even after they have walked away from all of the pollution they created. They would rather illegally dump it than pay for legal toxic waste disposal.
They wait until they have the right politician to take care of their dirty policy work and then MAKE TAXPAYERS FOOT THE BILL for the "Toxic Waste Dump" and all of the healthcare and disability it is also responsible for after people and workers are exposed for years and live close to the waste dump or dink water from the contamination.
This is formula for how corporations legally steal from taxpayers!
Duke Energy pumped toxic coal ash directly from their toxic waste containment pond into the river below. You could hear the pump running day after day. They got a slap on the hand and had to pay a small fraction of a fine for what it would have cost to pay for legal toxic waste disposal. This is the problem with the system!
Check back because we will be adding more examples of how corporations are legally stealing from United States Taxpayers!
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