Fish recently confirmed with ISA virus have been approved to be sold for human consumption in BC Canada w/o labeling of course. US has refused to allow ISA infected imports so red flag there. May be hopeless to think it can be stopped as ISA virus spreading along coast to WA, OR, CA. This ISA originated in Marine Harvest farmed salmon closed pens in Norway.
Would have to think the Canadian gov't is protecting multi billion dollar Marine Harvest Hatchery as a move was recent made to pass a law, Bill #37 making it illegal to report infected animals/fish with a penalty of 2 years in jail and $75,000 fine so Dr. Morton could have been jailed if passed.
Rivers now full of thousands of dead wild salmon and the government doing nothing but protecting the corporation with the introduction of laws that thanks to watchdog non profits were able to be stopped temporarily because proven to be blatantly unconstitutional. So much so the legislator that introduced it admitted that it may be a little unconstitutional. Apparently still sits there ready for passage if there is enough support to do it.
Another virus brewed in the hundreds of Norway farmed salmon closed pens run by Marine Harvest is called PRV (Piscine Reovirus) and is spreading like wild fire. For ten years scientists in Norway could not figure out why farm salmon were dying from heart disease they called Heart and Skeletal Muscle Inflammation (HSMI). It spread to 400 farms. Fish heart muscle broken down to mush. Salmon have heart attack before spawning. Die on the way there with all their eggs still inside.
Dr. Morton's blog (http://alexandramorton.typepad.com/ states:
“it is urgent that measures be taken to control PRV … due to the potential for transmission to wild salmon populations” (Palacios et al. 2010) In a popularized version of this paper one of the authors states: “If the potential hosts are in close proximity, it goes through them like wildfire,” said Lipkin. Science Wired.
So many wild salmon dead that hungry grizzly bears upstream are eating each other.
Wild salmon are significant as a "Keystone Species" that is the foundation from which many other species are dependent on life.
Dr. Morton said on Smart Health Talk that caring customers buy farmed salmon thinking they are helping protect wild salmon populations, but every purchase of farmed salmon is hurting and killing wild salmon.
Each farmed salmon purchase is supporting a single multi billion dollar corporation instead of thousands of fishing families. Boycotting farmed salmon is the most important action anyone can take to protect our future wild salmon populations.
Fish farms are big issues. http://www.worldwatch.org/node/5755
Knowing which fish to buy that are sustainable and reproduce quickly is top recommendation from Monterey Bay Aquarium. Their phone app can help you learn about these new fish choices and make the right decisions at the store and restaurant.
Oceana reported on Smart Health Talk the 100% Red Snapper on restaurant menus tested was NOT Red Snapper. It doesn't exist anymore.
Cost of farmed salmon protein is not cost effective and wastes resources with high environmental destruction. Farmed salmon are fed GMO corn/soy. GMO excrement from fish goes into rivers/oceans. GMO corn and soy do not belog in these water and cause another pollution problem in itself.
Only alternative for fish farmers is to take food meant for wild populations and give it to their farmed fish. Taking wild fish food and giving it to farmed fish does not make sense either because it also creates a negative environmental impact. Those costs have to be factored in when calculating true cost of food.
Huge populations of parasitic lice on farmed fish escape everyday and are creating epidemics of parasitic lice infestations to all fish in rivers/oceans that pass by fish farms. Now even found on small baby fish.
Look out Genetically Engineered (GE) farmed salmon on the way. When food supplies reduced GE salmon will turn to cannibalism and eat other salmon. CANNIBALISM NOT A WILD SALMON CHARACTERISTIC.
What will happen after GE salmon escape from pens into rivers and oceans A daily occurance for fish farms. If mixed GE/wild salmon population and little food available for GE salmon voracious appetite, how will wild salmon defend themselves against GE Salmon Cannibals?
GE Salmon are 3x larger than wild salmon and grow at a much faster rate thanks to AquaBounty genetic insertion of a DNA strand from an unrelated species into salmon DNA strand. The other species grows faster than wild salmon and they want to force fish to grow much faster than nature ever intended even through this is a totally new technology that we know nothing about the long term consequences in the real world.
Fish infected with these viruses that are brought home from grocery stores and washed in our kitchen sinks can spread through sewer systems. Lean more.
We already know a virus was able to wipe out an entire Sockeye salmon population. That virus gave fish a "Leukemia/AIDS" type of disease. The government, also part owner in salmon farm hatcheries, did nothing. Court orders from it's own judicial system were ignored.
Other fish raised in "farmed fish environments" such as koi fish, are spreading diseases such as "Koi Herpes Virus" causing worldwide outbreaks. No so much in Japan where traditional, sustainable koi fish farming techniques that support healthy eco systems has shown no sign of disease.
Support Dr. Alex Morton's brave efforts to stand up for the rights of the salmon that depend on us to save them. Will cost you zero dollars. Just boycott farmed fish.